External Researcher
Definition: A person or group who conduct research, either formal or informal, using data or subjects from an organization without being official employees or agents of that organization are considered external researchers.
What This Means: An organization under its Data Governance structure should manage the activities of all external researchers to ensure all policies of the organization are followed and to protect the personally identifiable information of individuals.
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Please select from the menu above
- A-V
- Abstract
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Account Name
- Accountability Reports
- Action Reports
- Actionable Data
- Active Only
- Ad Hoc Query
- Administration Manual
- Administrator Security Role
- Adware
- After Action Review
- Agent
- Algorithm
- American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC)
- Anti-Adware
- Anti-Spyware
- Anti-Virus Software
- API (Application Programming Interface)
- Application
- Application Layer
- ASP (Application Service Provider)
- Assessment
- Associated Link
- Asynchronous
- Atomic
- Attribute
- Audit Report
- Audit Trail
- Authentication
- Authoritative Data Source
- Authoritative Provider
- Authorization
- AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress)
- Back Office
- Back-Up
- Balanced Scorecard
- Bandwidth
- Batch
- Beta Testing
- BI (Business Intelligence)
- Big Data
- Bits Per Second (or bps)
- Blog
- Bluetooth
- Boolean Data
- Bread Crumbs
- Broadband
- Browser (or Web browser)
- Business Continuation Plan
- Business Rule Logic
- Business Rules
- Cable Categories
- Cache
- Certification
- Certify
- Change Data Capture (CDC)
- Change Implications
- Change Order
- Change Type
- Choreography
- Chromebook
- Client/Server
- Cloud
- Code
- Collection
- Collection Burden
- Collection Item
- Collection Method
- Collection Name
- Collection Number
- Collection Set
- Collection Type
- Collection Window Closing Date
- Collection Window Opening Date
- Column
- Column Description
- Column Format
- Committee
- Common Core State Standards
- Common Data Definition
- Common Elements
- Community of Interest
- Community of Practice
- Compliance Report
- Computer Security
- Confidential Data
- Confidentiality
- COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf)
- CourseWalk
- Coverage Period End Date
- Coverage Period Start Date
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- Cross-Collection Clean-Up Window Closing Date
- Cross-Collection Clean-Up Window Opening Date
- Crosswalk
- Crosswalking
- CSV (Comma Separated Value)
- Curriculum
- Cyber-Safety
- Cycle Time
- D3M (Data-Driven Decision Making)
- D3M Framework
- Dashboard
- Data Access And Management Policy
- Data Architecture
- Data Backup
- Data Dictionary
- Data Governance
- Data Governance
- Data Grid View
- Data Length
- Data Management
- Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Data Model
- Data Object
- Data Quality
- Data Quality Rules
- Data Source
- Data Steward
- Data Store, Database, Data Warehouse, Data Mart, Anaylsis Database
- Data Type
- Database
- Database Software Title
- Database Software Version
- Database/Instance Name
- DataSpecs
- DBA (Database Administrator)
- DBMS (Database Management System)
- Decision Dupport System
- Default Value
- Detail Level
- Dial-Up Service
- Dictionary Element
- Digital
- Directory Service
- Disaster Prevention and Recovery
- Display Name
- Distance Learning
- Domain Name Service
- Download
- Due Date
- DV Tape
- Early Warning System
- Ed-Fi
- EDEN (Education Data Exchange Network)/EDFacts
- EDFacts
- EDFacts Shared State Solution (ES3)
- EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
- Editor Security Role
- Effective Date
- Element
- Element Categorization
- Element Name
- Element Type
- Email Attachment
- Encryption
- Enterprise
- Entity Relationship Diagram
- Environment
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- ESP Administrator Security Role
- ESP Staff Application Role
- Ethernet
- ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)
- Event
- Expansion Card
- Expected Number of Respondents
- Expiration Date
- Extensibility
- Extension
- External Researcher
- External Source
- Fail Over
- FEP (Fluent English Proficient)
- FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
- Field Name
- Field Name(s) to associate with Rule
- File Server Name
- File Sharing
- Filter
- Firewall
- Firewire
- Flash Drive
- Flat Panel Display
- Flipped Learning
- For-profit and nonprofit education management organizations (EMOs)
- Format
- Formula
- Front-End Processor
- Fuzzy Logic
- Gap Analysis
- GHz
- Gigabit
- Gigabyte (GB)
- GPS (Global Positioning System)
- Growth Model
- GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)
- Hard Drive
- Home Page
- Honeypot
- Horizontal Interoperability
- Hot Back-Up Site
- Hotspot
- HP
- HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
- HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
- HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure)
- Identity Management
- Identity theft
- IEP (Individualized Education Plan)
- IM
- Inbox
- Incident response
- Index
- Indicator
- Information Systems Architecture (ISA)
- Information technology
- Infrasturcture
- Inkjet Printer
- Insecure Network Services
- Integrated Notification System
- Internet
- Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- Internet Tools CD
- Internet2
- Interoperability
- Intrusion Detection
- IP
- IP Address
- ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
- ISInsight
- ISO 9000
- IT
- IT Roadmap
- Item Dictionary
- Item List
- Item Number
- Kbps
- Kerberos password
- Key Data Element Code (KEY)
- Keychain drive
- Kilobyte (KB)
- Knowledge Management
- KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
- Lagging Indicator
- LAN (Local Area Network)
- Laser Printer
- LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
- LEA (Content Area Specialist Application Role)
- LEA (Local Education Agency)
- LEA Data Staff Application Role
- Leading Indicator
- Legacy System
- Level 1, 2, 3 Support
- Level 1, 2, 3, Business Rules
- Link
- Link Description
- Link Notes
- Link URL
- Linux
- Liquidity
- List of Field Names
- Listserv
- Logical Data Model
- Login
- LoginID
- Longitudinal Data
- Longitudinal Data System
- Longitudingal Data Store
- MAC Address
- Machine Language
- Magneto-Optical (MO) Drive
- MailID
- Mainframe
- Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
- Malware
- Mandate
- Mapping
- Master
- Master Person Index (MPI)
- Max Value
- Max Yield Data
- Mbps
- Megabyte (MB)
- Metadata
- MHz (MegaHertz)
- Middleware
- MIME type
- Min Value
- Mobile Learning
- Modem
- Month Collected
- Month Reported
- Moobilenet, MoobilenetX
- MOOC – Massive Open Online Course
- MOTS (Modified Off-the-Shelf)
- MP3
- MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-3, MPEG-4
- Multimedia
- National Transcript Center (NTC)
- NCES (The National Center for Education Statistics)
- NCES Category Name
- NCES Domain Name
- NCES Element ID
- NCES Element Number
- NCES Option Set
- NCES Related Categories
- NCES Section Name
- NCLB (No Child Left Behind)
- NEDM (National Education Data Model)
- Nest Level
- Netiquette
- Network
- Network Security
- Network Topology
- Newsgroup
- NRP (Network Resource Planning)
- ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
- ODS (Operational Data Store)
- Office
- Official Data
- OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
- Open Architecture
- Open Email Relay
- Open Source
- Open Source
- Open Standards
- Operating System Patches
- Option
- Option Set
- Order
- OS (Operating System)
- OS X
- Other Documentation
- Output
- Output Item
- Output or Report Name
- Packets
- Parent
- Password
- PDBMI (Performance-Based Data Management Inititative)
- Periodicity
- Personal Information
- PESC (Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council)
- Pharming
- Phishing
- Phone
- Physical Computer Security
- Physical Data Model
- Pilot Program
- Platform
- Platform Dependent
- Podcasting
- Politimetrics
- Portal
- Portlet
- Post
- PPM 200-45
- Precision
- Presentation Layer
- Primary Key
- Primary Key Order
- Privacy Restriction
- Process Management
- Profile Report
- Prompt
- Protocol
- Provide
- Proxy Server
- Publish
- Pull Technology
- Push Technology
- RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
- Rank
- Read Only Security Role
- Real Time
- Relational Database/RDS (Relational Data Store)
- Reliability
- Remote Access
- Repeatable
- Report
- Report Manifest
- Report Manifest ID
- Report Number
- Report Set
- Reporting Data Store
- Repository
- Repository Description
- Repository Name
- Repository Table
- Repository Type
- Request
- Required
- Response
- RFP (Request for Proposals), RFO (Request for Offers), RFI (Request for Information)
- Risk Mitigation
- RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
- Rule Description
- Rule Detail Message/Description
- Rule ID
- Rule Name
- Rule Official Message/Summary Description
- Sandbox
- Scanner
- SCED (School Codes for the Exchange of Data)
- Schema Name
- School Content Area Specialist Application Role
- School Data Staff Application Role
- School Improvement Grant (SIG)
- Scope
- Scorecard
- SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model)
- SEA (State Education Agency)
- Search Dictionary
- Section Number
- Security
- Security Alerts
- Server
- Server Process Identifiers (SPID)
- Session Layer
- Severity
- SharePoint
- Short Name
- SIF (Schools Interoperability Framework)
- SIF Element Description
- SIF Element Name
- SIF Implementation Specification
- SIF Object Name
- SIF Task Force
- SIF Version
- SIF Work Group
- SIF_Ack
- SIF-certified
- SIF-complaint
- SIFA (Schools Interoperability Framework Association)
- SIFA University
- Single Sign-On
- SIS (Student Information System)
- Site License
- Six Sigma
- SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
- Social Media
- Software
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Software Patches
- Source
- Source Code
- Spam
- Spam Filtering
- Specifications
- SPED (Special Education)
- Spyware
- Staging Data Store
- Standards
- State Alias
- State Content Area Specialist Application Role
- State Data Staff Administrator Application Role
- State Number
- State Report Manager (SRM)
- Statistical Report
- Status
- Storage Location
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Student Identifier
- Student Record
- Student Transcript
- Support
- Synchronous
- System
- System Redundancy
- T1 Line
- Table Description
- Table Field
- Table Name
- Table Title
- Table Type
- Target Audience
- TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
- Telecommute
- Terabyte
- Test Environment
- Thin Client
- Time Per Respondent
- Title I
- Title III
- Trailing Indicator
- Transactional Data
- Transactional Data Store
- Transactional Software
- Transactional Software
- Transformation Rules
- Tree View
- Trigger
- Trojan
- UI (User Interface)
- Unix
- Unofficial Data
- Update Schedule
- Upload
- Upload Template
- USB Keychain
- User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
- Value-Added Model
- Version
- Vertical Interoperability
- Vertical Reporting Choreography
- Video Conference
- Virtualization
- Virus
- VoIP (Voice Over IP)
- VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method)
- Vulnerability Scanning
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