ESP’s solutions bring data from information systems to decision makers. We are experts in designing processes and systems that ensure data quality, define data clearly, collect data efficiently, and report data understandably. We know how to coordinate across organizations to exchange and integrate longitudinal data to leverage predictive and insightful analyses. Please, look over our products and services, then give us a call to discuss how we can work together to advance your goals with our solutions.
DataSpecs will standardize data elements, indicators, naming conventions, definitions, codes, and formats for improved data quality and increased reliance on collected data.
EDFacts Shared State Solution (ES3)
ES3 maximizes shared components to reduce duplicate effort, yet still accommodates unique SEA configurations and adaptability.
State Report Manager (SRM)
SRM is a fully-automated reporting tool that coordinates statewide data collections and gives districts control over their data submissions.
CourseWalk establishes local to state course catalog links for teacher-student-course alignments and can map local or state course numbers to national course numbering systems.
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